Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sandwich Thins goody giveaway!

I was given the fabulous opportunity to host a 'Sandwich Thins Sandwich Revolution House Party' recently thanks in part to House Party.  I was really excited to be a part of something revolutionary, something exciting .. and then, the roof fell in.  Apparently, these are NOT available in my area.

Are you kidding me?  Is this some kind of sick joke?

Nope, it wasn't a joke .. I was so disappointed but alas, I wasn't the only one suffering this dilemna .. there were many other hosts having trouble finding 'Sandwich Thins' products as well.  There are many retailers in my area not carrying this product and to be quite frank, it's their loss.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, House Party was kind enough to overnight 4 packages of these rolls specifically to hold up their end of the bargain and for me to supply my party with rolls.  I found it rather silly to host a party with a product not readily available anywhere in my area, especially since part of the goody bag I was to hand out included $1 off coupons.

I was given the option to host or not to host .. I initially decided not to host.

So, here I was, 4 packs of rolls, I gave one a shot .. it was the best tasting sandwich roll I've tasted yet!  Why aren't these available here?  Now I'm hooked!

I couldn't stand it .. I ended up taking the rest of my rolls, some deli meats and cheeses and the goody bags up to a relatives house to share the wealth.  Not a complaint was made with the exception of not being able to buy the rolls around here!

So, here's the deal .. I've got goody bags left over .. 5 in all!  They are ALL up for grabs!  It includes:

  • Reusable grocery bag
  • 2 Grocery list pads
  • 5 blank recipe cards
  • Set of 3 recipe cards
  • Nutrition facts and healthy living tips
And the best part is, if your area happens to carry Oroweat/Arnold 'Sandwich Thins', I'll be including a coupon with your goody bag!

Make a comment below to be included in the drawing letting me know what your favorite sandwich ingredient is!  Drawings will be done at Random and ends at noon CST on March 7th, winners will be notified by email so, leave a valid email address in your comment.  And please don't forget to write in your comment if 'Sandwich Thins' are available where you live so I can give you a $ off coupon!!

One lucky winner will be getting a 'Sandwich Thins' cutting board along with your goody bag .. it could be YOU!  Good luck to all and start telling me your favorite sandwich ingredient today!

Contest is now over!
We have our winners in the order of responding
to this offer, via my blog and my facebook page:

Laura B.
Janet P.
Rhonda W.
Fel T.

There were only 5 entries for this contest so, I picked one winner at Random for the 'Sandwich Thins' cutting board!
The winner is:

Rhonda W.
Congratulations everybody!


  1. This sounds awesome. My fave sandwich ingredient has to be smoked turkey. Or a really ripe tomato slice from tomatoes we grew in our garden (obviously seasonal, and not available right now!).
    Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

  2. Hi, ahorne! I'm a big fan of turkey as well .. I love a good mesquite smoked turkey with some bacon and melted colby jack on it .. and cracked black pepper. *drool*

    This goody bag is wonderful, isn't it? The bag is quite roomy for your shopping or picking those tomatoes from your garden when the time comes around!

    By the looks of things, you stand a great chance in receiving one of these .. I've got a few others who posted on my Facebook page so, with time almost running out, you all are going to be quite lucky!

  3. I've emailed you with my info. :)


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